Improve sperm motility by undergoing a sperm count test
At NTMIC Sperm Lab of Frisco, Texas, Dr. Jeffrey Buch may, at times, recommend a sperm count test in order to determine the cause of infertility for a couple. Our professional team conducts this specific test. It begins with a sperm sample that is collected at our office or more conveniently it can be obtained in your home if it can be brought to our lab within one hour. The team then examines the semen sample provided to them for evaluation.

The semen sample is processed with a method that allows for counting the number of sperm present per milliliter of fluid volume with a normal count of at least 20 million sperm per ml. Once the sperm count has been completed, we can evaluate the quality of the sperm present in the sample. Quality is measured by calculating the percent of sperm with rapid, slow and shaking movement. In addition, quality of the sperm is also measured by reporting the percent of sperm with perfect shape, or what is commonly referred to as strict normal morphology. A well done strict morphology score predicts the sperm’s ability to attach to and penetrate an egg.
After conducting the sperm count test, the results will be reported to Dr. Buch. He will then prepare a detailed report. Depending on the diagnosis, he may recommend additional testing or treatments to address infertility issues and increase sperm counts and improve sperm quality. Our objective is always to help you reach your reproductive goals while providing you with the best care possible in a friendly and confidential manner.
Why should I consider a sperm count test?
The sperm count test is a reliable and accurate way to assess the health of your reproductive system, and our team is here to provide you with the highest level of care and expertise for the treatment of any condition that is spotted during our assessment.
What are some ways to improve sperm quality including motility and morphology?
Improving sperm motility and morphology can be achieved through the use of antibiotics when infection of the sperm ducts is suspected. Sperm count and quality can also be improved by hormone therapy when a hormone imbalance is noted on blood testing, or when varicoceles (varicose veins that overheat the testicles) are noted on physical exam and are surgically corrected with a minor day surgery procedure.
Call NTMIC Sperm Lab to discuss the sperm count test with Dr. Jeffrey Buch and his team!
If men in the Frisco, TX area are having difficulty in helping their partner conceive a child, they may consider getting a sperm count test to determine if low sperm count is the cause of infertility. Dr. Jeffrey Buch is a highly experienced professional who specializes in assisting couples who are struggling with infertility. He can help by identifying the underlying causes of infertility and recommending the most suitable treatments to increase the chances of success. His office is located at 5757 Warren Parkway, Suite 110-B, and can be reached by calling (972) 616-4477. The practice is open to new patients and can help you in your journey to fatherhood!